Day Six

Video editing

Today, we discussed Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through the Use of Digital Story-telling. Digital storytelling is a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to share aspects of their story. The media used may include the digital equivalent of film techniques, stills, audio only, or any of the other forms of non-physical media which individuals can use to tell a story or present an idea.

I choose Imoive to edit my video. This video tool is convenient to use like adding the audio file, background music or the special effects. And it has many strong functions that i may use in future work. When the camera putting in front of me, i always laughed and be afraid of looking at it. So I tried many times to make a complete video. And I’m too nervous to recite what i have wrote on the paper and i couldn’t express what i want to say. If you want to use video in the class to teach children, you must notice that you shouldn’t read insipidly and the video can’t include many words. The content of the video must be vivid and you should tell children the knowledge with your body language.

The ISTE standard that Model digital age work and learning the audio and video projects meet. Because teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. And the way to use audio and video is a modern online teaching system which combine people’s explain.

This is our video
